LIVELABS leverages the power of design thinking to create solutions to propel businesses towards exponential growth.

The services they offer can be broadly divided into two parts:

The fuzzy front-end innovation that starts with identifying white-space opportunities eventually leading to a pipeline of product concepts as well as service innovations.

Followed by the customer experience that focuses on crafting a branded, unique experience that will keep consumers coming back for more.

Research for Innovation

Design research study to help uncover and identify latent needs. Best applicable when one wants to better understand people and experiences to identify newer opportunity spaces.

Product Pipeline

A research-led design strategy to inform product pipeline for the next 3-5 years development cycle.

Customer Journey Mapping

Mapping the journey of diverse customer segments across touch-points, looking at both the front end and back end delivery to provide a holistic canvas for identifying opportunities for intervention.

Crafting Customer Experiences

Using experiential mapping frameworks to identify gaps in alignment of the organization’s brand promise and service delivery, to co-create and design experience solutions.


LIVECAMPS is a series of collaborative and agile workshops spanning one day to one week, customized based on the objective - to either learn tools & methods or to solve business problems.