The assignments carried out by Kantar IMRB include brand health checks for large telecom brands in the Indian subcontinent, extensive research in the area of pricing and evaluations to enhance advertising efficiency and effectiveness.

Brand Health Tracks & Dipsticks

Kantar IMRB has done several brand health checks for large telecom brands in the Indian subcontinent. We work with telecom clients to better understand how their brands are performing in the marketplace vis-à-vis the competition. We also help them understand and track consumer behavior with respect to familiarity and disposition to the brand, brand consideration and brand advocacy.

Kantar IMRB currently manages a telecom track for a Pakistan telecom company and a dipstick study for Maldivian client.

Pricing Studies

Kantar IMRB has done extensive research in the area of pricing for telecom clients. The techniques used have ranged from the Gabor Granger and the Price Sensitivity Meter to BPTO and Conjoint Analysis.

A recent study includes an assignment to assess consumer reactions to pricing of a handset in conjunction with various combinations of product attributes. In addition, Kantar IMRB has also used adaptive conjoint analysis to help a client arrive at a product with the right combination of features at the optimal price point.

Product/Handset Tests

In the last year, Kantar IMRB conducted an extensive product test for a new entrant in the cellular services space. We helped the client evaluate 26 mock handsets on the basis of their look and appearance.

Diagnosing reasons for switchers

Kantar IMRB recently conducted a study to help one of India’s largest cellular service providers understand the reasons behind customers switching from one service provider to another, thus enabling the client to better focus on specific customer segments and enhance customer retention.