Specialist solutions for customized quantitative consumer research

  • Post Launch Tracking & Diagnostics: Employ tracking and analytics tools in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses thereof and thus arrive at a decision about further investment and/or modifications in the brand
  • Product Testing: We employ expertise here across a very wide spectrum of consumer products and are able to clearly advise clients about the most appropriate type of product testing, for example, blind/ branded; with/without concept; monadic/sequential is best done. Kantar IMRB has carried out extensive in-house research in order to provide clients with clear advice on generating & shortlisting attributes; on what scales work best; the most efficient sample sizes and advice on action standards. Advanced statistical techniques like Bayesian Belief Network and optimization techniques are used for diagnostics and clear recommendations. Having gone well beyond conventional product testing in order to provide tests of discrimination; to help develop differentiated & relevant product formulations; mining normative databases to generate macro learning; to link physical/chemical properties of a formulation to consumer acceptance, and to create consumer segments based on product preferences
  • Advertising Pre-Testing: Spotlight, our in-house model, is a mix of short and sensitive quant questioning complemented by qual to provide more in-depth diagnostics and can be employed efficiently either online or face-to-face. It was specially developed to measure Liking & Emotions, Branding & Comprehension and Interest & Persuasion for developing markets in a discriminating & sensitive manner. It may be utilized for multi-media campaigns, TV commercials, and print as well as digital ads. Furthermore, we have a special model available for testing kids’ commercials.
  • Mix Element Testing: Testing a mixture of elements beyond the product such as packaging, pricing, name, etc. so as to maximize the chances of success for the new brand. Kantar IMRB’s Packaging Research solutions includes working with Qualitative to develop packaging to meet the strategic intent of the brand, efficiently shortlisting from a wide number of options, and finally selecting a winning pack based on its ability to communicate the intended values and generate trial as well as its ability to stand out in a shopping context. Kantar IMRB uses a combination of direct and indirect questioning including Eye Tracking to understand the impact of different pack elements, design and visual appeal.
  • Brand & Communication Tracking Research: Kantar IMRB’s Tracking helps to carry out research in order to understand brand performance and evaluate communication; it also helps to answer business questions such as:
    • What drives Brand Success?
    • How is the brand performing in the consumer’s mind?
    • What touch points work best?
    • How do we adjust future brand & communication investments?